Foodies, there’s nothing left to fear, Cheapeats is here

NYC Skyline

Welcome to the first blog posting for Cheapeats. The excitement has been building for months and the day is finally here. The idea for this came about from my years of living and dining in New York. Growing up in an Italian home in Brooklyn, hours were spent in the kitchen watching and helping my Mother and Grandparents cook. How to take a little of this, a pinch of that and turn it into a fabulous meal. Most problems were solved over a plate of my Mom’s famous eggplant parmigiana. Endless stories were told about my family history including the scandalous gossip. I can’t divulge names because a true Sicilian never snitches. Lets’ just say it involved a can of tomatoes. I say no more.

Having worked in fashion and real estate, I was trained to spot the newest trend and the best bang for your buck. If I find a bargain, I’m the first one to spread the word.

What is relaxing to me is stressful for others….deciding “Where’s a good place to eat”? I soon became “Information Center” for my friends, family, colleagues and clients. Where should we go? Ask Rose. In an instant, I’d ramble off a list of restaurants just like men site batting averages and stock picks. What can I say…it’s my thing. I’m just a wealth of useless information.

Then one day, I had a light bulb moment. I love trying new dining spots and also bargain hunting, why not combine both? Is it possible to find a hip and cool restaurant that won’t clog your arteries or empty your pockets? Yes you can!! I will give you the inside track of where you can dine for $25 or less. Yes, you read right…$25 or less. (excluding alcohol, tip) No fast food, real dining. These treasures are all around and Cheapeats is the map to finding them. Keep following us and you too can live a “Cheap and Chic” lifestyle. Soon, you’ll be quoting and living our mantra….”Happiness, $25 and under“.

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About The Author

A fierce love of food and twin careers in real estate and fashion taught Rose to look for the hottest item and the hottest deal. Perfect attributes for creating When friends and clients needed a great meal at a great price, she could rattle off restaurant names the way a sports nut ticks off batting averages—but with a lot more home runs. Now it’s all at Cheapeats, where you’ll find “Happiness, $25 and under.”


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